Vocal Training

At the core of our teaching philosophy is our belief in conscious control over an involuntary muscle system. This course is designed to provide customised voice training using two effective methodologies: Adaptive Voice Conditioning™, our very own proprietary pedagogy derived from clinical speech pathology, and Somatic Voicework™, a functional voice training method.

Adaptive Voice Conditioning™ and Somatic Voicework™

Using the framework of Adaptive Voice Conditioning™ and Somatic Voicework™, our methodology concentrates on enhancing and coordinating three key components of the phonatory mechanism to optimise vocal usage: Sub-glottic Pulmonic Support, Glottic Laryngeal Function, and Supra-glottic Tract Resonance. These interconnected elements collaborate to generate a functional and powerful voice ; Sub-glottic pulmonic support provides the essential sub-glottal tracheal pressure required for vocal fold oscillations within the larynx, while the supra-glottic tract serves as a resonating cavity space for formants.

At the beginning of the course, the vocal trainer will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to assess the student's voice behaviour in each of these three areas. Based on the results, suitable training modules will be chosen and implemented to enhance and strengthen the utilisation of the respective muscle groups. The end result of this comprehensive vocal training is a refined, powerful, and versatile voice, enabling every individual to effortlessly navigate various musical styles and deliver captivating performances with precision and expressiveness.

STAGE 1 : Adjust

Stage 1 focuses on the development of a strong sub-glottic pulmonic support and effective glottic laryngeal function. This involves building up your stamina, strength, and control, stabilising your modal voice range. Along with this, you will also acquire knowledge of voice anatomy, proper voice care, and effective practice routines. 

The completion of this stage is equivalent to Grade 5 of pop music vocal graded examinations.

1a  Voice Assessment

  • Areas for Subtraction, Stabilisation and Strengthening

  • Customised Training Map

1b  Voice Care and Practice Routine

  • Understanding of Anatomy Structure

  • Introduction of Preventive and Preparation Scales

2a  Establishing Strong Pulmonary Support

  • Alignment of posture

  • Coordination and Balance 

2b  Sustain, Support, Project and Belt

  • Introduction of Light to High Intensity scales

  • Balance and Control

2c  Stamina, Strength and Control

  • Muscle Coordination

  • Introduction of Flexibility & Control Scales

3a  Modal Voice Stabilisation and Range Expansion

  • Identifying and Overcoming Vocal Limitations

  • Introduction of Progressive Scales

3b  Strengthening and Blending of Registers

  • Understanding the Types of Registers

  • Isolate, Stabilise & Blend

4a  Isolation of Simple and Compound Vowels

  • Function and Balance

  • Flexibility of Vocal Tract

4b  Differentiation of Consonants 

  • Understanding Various Types of Consonants

  • Isolate & Blend

5 Strengthening of Aural Awareness & Musicality 

  • Major and Minor Scale Intervals

  • Basic and Complex Time Signatures

STAGE 2 : Augment

Stage 2 is divided into sections that will introduce techniques of tone and resonance augmentation within the supra-glottic tract. You will learn how to add a personal flair to your singing, create polished and dynamic performances, harmonise seamlessly with other singers, and effectively express the emotion and meaning of songs.

The completion of this stage is equivalent to Grade 8 of pop music vocal graded examinations.

6  Stylistic Embellishments

  • Types of Vocal Ornamentation

  • Considerations of Stylistic Usage

7a  Dynamic Expression 1 Volume, Phrasing, Build and Layer

  • Dynamic Scales I

  • Incorporation into Songs

7b  Dynamic Expression 2 Glide, Bend, Swing and Lick

  • Dynamic Scales II

  • Incorporation into Songs

7c  Dynamic Expression 3 Detach, Bounce and Punch

  • Dynamic Scales III

  • Incorporation into Songs

8  Vocal Harmonisation 

  • Understanding of Chord Structure

  • Harmony Exercises

9  Artistic Communication

  • Lyrics Interpretation 

  • Character Development

10  Exploration of Singing Styles

  • Vocal Color and Timbre

  • Developing a Signature Style